Finally, the new version of Emporium Net is available


This is a complete reengineering of the software. The interface has been completely redesigned, many features have been added or improved. The system is compatible with Windows 10.



System-wide benefits

  1. Developed with Microsoft .NET technology fully compatible with current and future versions of Windows.
  2. Redefine all of the main tables by introducing a Primary Key as an ID, allowing greater flexibility in the recoding of documents and other major entities.
  3. Possibility of user authentication through Windows Active Directory.
  4. Reorganization of the permissions management, now at User Group level.
  5. Saving all user options in the database without using the Windows Registry anymore.
  6. Automatic email generation and sending via http server.
  7. Automatic sending of SMS messages.
  8. Reorganization of attached management with automatic filing of files on the server.

Reorganize Benefits at Application Levels

  1. Complete support for multicompany and multidivision
  2. Integration of application menus with the main application, speeding up on program functions.
  3. Complete reorganization of all tabs through expandable groups.
  4. Possibility of simultaneously opening multiple instances of the same card (eg two or more Orders, Clients, etc.).
  5. Storing the tabs’ opening criteria, so reopening the search tab will re-examine the criteria that were previously entered.
  6. It is possible to order and filter freely the contents of all tabs in table mode.
  7. Updating and Recoding Italian Nations, Provinces and Communes.
  8. Function for automatic tax calculation based on customer master data.
  9. View, address control and CAP calculation using Google Maps.
  10. View the geographical distribution of patients by country, region, region, city or postal code.
  11. Complete Review of Billing Procedures: Document Management Receipt, Deposit, Deposit Restitution, With Quadrature between Orders and Documents, Documents and Receipts, Orders and Cashier and Automation.
  12. Revision of return management and possibility of discounting returns on billing.
  13. Review of calculation and price rounding methods.